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we're in the

Image by Nick Linnen

same boat

A tough row to hoe? Then you've come to the right place! A sustainable relationship is built on aligned interests, and the only way we can truly achieve that is if we row together. That's at least our business religion. row is based on a well-proven methodology where we always get in the same boat as you, which means that together we will experience both bloody blisters in our hands and a gentle tailwind in our necks. By genuinely sharing both risk and reward, we will achieve goals that would otherwise not be possible.

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compass & power

We at row have tons of experience in founding, running, financing, and developing businesses across all types of industries - from manufacturing and consumer electronics to digitalization and telecommunications. The common denominator in all the projects we undertake is that they are not about maintaining the status quo but rather its direct opposite. row is based in the heart of the green transition, Piteå, but takes on both operational and strategic assignments throughout the Nordic region.

Image by Andrzej Kryszpiniuk


We're selective with our investments, focusing on quality and potential. Please take a look at our portfolio companies, which we're extremely proud of. Want to join our circle of growth? Reach out to us before the end of the day.

Pajala Welders
Human Talent

the team

Together, our partners have over 30 years of experience in entrepreneurship and business development, a dozen board assignments under their belt, and an unbeatable drive to propel companies forward. Swiftly.

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